Monday, September 22, 2008


"I think passion is important," said this gorgeous, blond friend of mine. This was years ago and at the time I thought she was wrong. How could 'passion' be important? Unconditional love is important, selflessness is important. Well, those are the soil, the good earth that our lives need to be rooted in. But my beautiful friend is right too. Passion is a gift.

What is the passion that God has put your in heart?

Ps. 37:4
Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.
5. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this..

In 1986, on my face before God, I asked Him for direction, for His guidance in my life. I'd graduated from college and took a job in LA as a banker. Okay, could there be a more passionless pursuit for me? I really hated it. Well, He gave me three clear answers; music and writing and teaching teens. These seemed so odd to me. Directions I had never really pursued.

Well, soon I was very passionately involved with playing my flute in a worship band and even found myself playing on a TV show with the Sea of Galilee in the background.

Writing has taken many forms for me over the years from letters home to a book about the Jewish holidays, the holidays Jesus loves! But I'd let it slip the last couple of years because of my joy in teaching the Bible. I wrote a 'goal note' last Rosh Hashanna that I wanted to start a blog and at the beginning of this summer still hadn't gotten it going. But here I am pursuing my passion. There may not be more than one or two readers but that's not the point of passion.

True passion grows from 'delight' in the Lord. That gift you have within, that bliss that has been given to you... is really a gift from God to the world.

Jaime said, "Our gifts are given to the world, we are the caretakers of them."

If you are 'delighting yourself in God, if you commit your way to Him and trust in Him also,' then ask Him to reveal to you those passion-filled gifts. Ask for His direction and pursue His purposes. You are a gift to the world, a creation of God's that was meant to bring Him glory.

You may not be the best or brightest at your passion gift. Heck, I'm really not much of a writer and I reach very few with these words, but God put this love of writing in my heart. I feel his Presence and closeness and I delight in Him when I write.

Seek Him first and He will give you the Passion-filled desires of your heart, the gifts to the world that He has placed within you, His own little poem.

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