Monday, September 8, 2008

'Love makes the Only Myness'

'You never made that song, Diamond,' said his mother.
'No, mother. I wish I had. No, I don't. That would be to take it from somebody else. But it's mine for all that.'
'What makes it yours?'
'I love it so.'
'Does loving a thing make it yours?'
'I think so , mother - at least more than anything else can. If I didn't love baby,...she wouldn't be mine a bit. But I do love baby, and baby is my very own Dulcimer.'
'The baby 's mine, Diamond.'
'That makes her the more mine, mother.'
'How do you make that out?'
'Because you're mine, mother.'
'Is that because you love me?'
'Yes, just because. Love makes the only myness,' said Diamond.
At the Back of the North Wind by George MacDonald

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