Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Early morning...
Bunny's eating my apple tree. Micah's playing piano. Just made a ton of chocolate chip cookies and pancakes. Nick just texted Micah- Prov. 3:5 & 6. It's gonna be sunny this afternoon. We are so blessed.

Rosh Hashana is in two weeks! I like to count my blessings before the days of awe instead of digging up my yuckiness.

And if I can be used to bless someone that would be a huge blessing.

John 1:16 From the fullness of His Grace we have all received one blessing after another.

Later afternoon....
Oh Lord, thanks for your blessings to me. When I try to bless others, there You are blessing me!
When many are coming and going and there is little leisure,
give us grace,
O heavenly Father,
to follow the example of our Lord Jesus Christ,
who knew neither impatience of spirit or confusion of work,
but in the midst of his labors held communion with you,
and even upon earth was still in heaven;
where He now reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,
world without end. Amen. (A prayer by C. J. Vaughan, 1816-1897)

Flowing with Love and Peace no matter what was going on around Him.
Connected to the Father, filled with the Spirit, streaming and resonating with Love.
Oh yeah, I want to be a hallow instrument of praise that He can use, vibrating with His Love.

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