Jamie, our Youth Pastor, pointed out one week that Jesus' first message was a simple one too, "Repent!" Mat. 4:17, I was surprised when I saw this. This Savior of love, who even on Yom Kippor had this amazing message to bring of salvation (read my other blog next week:)... and His first message to the people was 'repent?'
I was having coffee with a friend recently and she said, "But it's hard to repent." I disagree. It's so very easy. The hard part is deciding that the sin is sin and that I no longer want to do that. Decide that and turning to Him asking forgiveness and help is so easy. Oh, and He responds so quickly and completely to a humble heart longing for Him.
If there is something in your life separating you from the Author of Love, and you can't quite see that thing as sin, ask for His help. You know what, like that funny girl said years ago, 'There's always somthing!' He's so amazingly full of Love that to join Him closer requires a willingness to see things in our lives as not pleasing to Him and a willing heart to let them go.
As we prepare for Yom Kippor, or even if you are fasting now, turn to Him with an open, contrite, humble heart. Let's be willing to hear Him call us closer to Him even if that means something in our lives needs to be repented of. (Hey if G Mac. can do it:)
He's waiting with open arms. Make it a super Happy Yom Kippor:)
Great reading for the day of atonement...Luke 15:11-32! It can be party-time.
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