Last night, three of us sat in front of about 30 teens while they 'asked us anything!' Thankfully, I found out we were going to do this only 30 minutes beforehand and even more thankfully they didn't ask any questions that I would be too horrified to answer. There were some difficult, personal questions that turned my face red but I modeled honesty and openness which is what we were trying to teach.
What were they? Hey, you weren't there...you missed your chance!
I will tell you this...the 'Jerry Springer' moment and the 'This thing has just jumped to a whole
new level' moment were both caused by me. (Quotes from Jamie.)
Afterwards in our small groups, we discussed image vs. reality. Are we putting an image out there that isn't real inside?
Col. 4:6 Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.
I just finished studying a counseling book and that got me started studying personality types and ways to relate to different kinds of people. I love it. But does it mean I am putting out a different image than is actually my reality? Well, yeah! So What! The verse from Colosians above seems to say that's a smart, helpful thing to do. Heck, I like it when I'm treated in a way that I can relate to; so why shouldn't I do that for others?
I think the image of perfection is the one that needs to be done away with. Our little panel definitely showed our imperfections. 'The truth will set you free' and the truth is that like Paul, I can see myself as a candidate for the 'chief of sinners.' But I have been set 'free from the power of sin and death' through Jesus, my Messiah. There is such freedom in knowing the truth and relying on God's grace.
Blessings and Truth in this Joyful season, I wish you were sitting in our succah with us tonight...
Okay, I'll tell you the Jerry Springer moment: One panel member said her favorite Bible character was the Prov. 31 woman (an ideal,perfect wife, gag!.) I whispered to the nearby girls, "I HATE Proverbs 31 woman!" Maybe I didn't whisper. My favorite was a flawed creature like Peter or David. It was great, we even had a pretend fight. :)
What were they? Hey, you weren't there...you missed your chance!
I will tell you this...the 'Jerry Springer' moment and the 'This thing has just jumped to a whole
new level' moment were both caused by me. (Quotes from Jamie.)
Afterwards in our small groups, we discussed image vs. reality. Are we putting an image out there that isn't real inside?
Col. 4:6 Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.
I just finished studying a counseling book and that got me started studying personality types and ways to relate to different kinds of people. I love it. But does it mean I am putting out a different image than is actually my reality? Well, yeah! So What! The verse from Colosians above seems to say that's a smart, helpful thing to do. Heck, I like it when I'm treated in a way that I can relate to; so why shouldn't I do that for others?
I think the image of perfection is the one that needs to be done away with. Our little panel definitely showed our imperfections. 'The truth will set you free' and the truth is that like Paul, I can see myself as a candidate for the 'chief of sinners.' But I have been set 'free from the power of sin and death' through Jesus, my Messiah. There is such freedom in knowing the truth and relying on God's grace.
Blessings and Truth in this Joyful season, I wish you were sitting in our succah with us tonight...
Okay, I'll tell you the Jerry Springer moment: One panel member said her favorite Bible character was the Prov. 31 woman (an ideal,perfect wife, gag!.) I whispered to the nearby girls, "I HATE Proverbs 31 woman!" Maybe I didn't whisper. My favorite was a flawed creature like Peter or David. It was great, we even had a pretend fight. :)
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