Tuesday, October 28, 2008

lamb hugs

I couldn't find my glasses. I reached into my bag at the Old Folk's Home to read to my friend but they were gone. I searched my car, my other bag, my desk, room and floors. (There's someone playing trumpet loudly in the alley, how funny, I love it!) Anyways, I searched, then I remembered the last time I had them; in the Youth room at church. I got my keys and headed over.
I didn't need the keys, Jamie was there and the first thing he said was, "Your glasses are here and look there's a little stuffed lamb watching over them." Sure enough there they sat on the arm of the couch with the Youth Room's little lamb holding them tight.

I gave that lamb a hug and a kiss and I know we are being watched over continually, every moment, every heartache, every joy, every little thing and every difficult one. My heart is hugging and loving the lamb with all my might. (There goes that trumpet again...wait I think it's coming from my garage.) So perfect.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is my favorite post! It is so simple. It has a beginning and and end. It tells a universal story and lets the reader in... everyone has experienced a loss and can relate. Your story reminds us - no matter what our loss - that God is watching over us with love. It is not always necessary to quote others to communicate such a beautiful message. Your life is a beautiful story. Share it!