Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah

Oh Creator, God loves us so much. He is so happy to joke with us and remind us of His constant love. I woke up this morning with a dream in my head of corn, a corn field but like a movie theater marquis a correction zapped across my dream, "not c-orn...Gorn!" If you are a trekkie you'll know how funny and fun that is. Then the clock radio wakes us up with a song that's haunted me since middle school, "Killing Me Softly." Yikes, I've always thought it would really be terrible to be the author of that song and feel like that. But that's okay because when I get downstairs to make breakfast there are notes everywhere. "Wake up Gabe at 6:30..." everywhere! I can't help laughing out loud and when I go to pack the cookies, there's a note in the jar...and in the sink.... and in the microwave...and guess what happened when I opened my lap top! Oh and I forgot that I actually thought the news guy on the radio said that the price of
V-aseline had gone way up...I even said to Eric, 'that's weird why would the price of 'Vaseline' go way up?' Then I thought the guy singing 'Golden Lady' was saying that he really like her 'b-rain and sunshine'...yeah, it was 'rain and sunshine!'

Words making me laugh, making me happy and I get an email from my dear friend reminding it's Simchat Torah, Joy in the Word of God!

You know, Creator, God is just so much fun. His words can kill me softly when I realize how I fall so short. I do feel He's found the letters of my life and "read each one outloud." But He loves me; mistakes and all, brain, sunshine and rain.

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