Wednesday, November 19, 2008

star dust, Adama & Ruach HaKodesh

Okay I still have my head in the clouds... Everything just comes together in this beautiful symphony all around me. Did you know that star dust smells like fire dust? I found that out last year in the cool way, the 'connectedness' way.
I kept smelling smoke, and there just wasn't any.
I even started talking about it to my friends...who pretty much thought I was nuts.
I'd ask, "Does my hair smell like smoke?"..."Do you smell that?"
"No, Cindy, it's your imagination," was always the answer.

But I 'happened' upon a story about star dust... astronauts say it smells like smoke!
Yes! Star dust!

The Space station astronauts woke up this morning to these beautifully connected musicians
and a fire alarm.
"I checked everything, no smoke," said the flight engineer, Yuri.
Oh Yuri, it's star dust listen to the music and enjoy the 'dust in the wind,'
the "Adama in the Ruach."*
Everything is 'dust in the wind' which for me means a beautiful symphony connected
and orchestrated together by the Composer of Love.

* Adama and Ruach covered in earlier posts :) 'Dirty Bunny' and 'Orion and Ruach HaKodesh'

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