Saturday, August 16, 2008

One Love holds All things together

THE BOND OF THE UNIVERSE, the chain that holds it together, the one active unity, the harmony of things, is the devotion of the Son to the Father. It is the life of the universe.

"I AND THE FATHER ARE ONE," is the center-truth of the universe. And the encircling truth is, "That they also may be one in us."

George MacDonald


Fat Man said...

Pardon my taking the liberty to intrude publicly, and feel free to delete--but...NOW you're talkin'!!!!

Yesterday, my buddy Jimmy asked me, "um, I don't know how to put this, and uh, you might take this wrong, and don't be offended,, ARE YOU AND LINDA, like, THE PERFECT COUPLE???? You always seem to be on exactly the same wavelength!!!"

Jeez, I thought he was going to say, "what's with all the insults to each other all the time?" But that's our humor--other people don't have to understand it, just us. But the love shone through, didn't it?

The other quote of the week came from my massage therapist, after I bragged a little bit about Linda, and how much we can go through now and just enjoy and be entertained by not just our adventures together, but by each other's adventures--and how through it all we just get more fond of each other, and always be sure we're going to stick together:

"There's something to be said for Mature Love."

[More from the None of my Business Department: Make sure he still gets his fishing/gaming/cigar time!!!! Boys need it. And the "artists," the guitar pickers, the beach walkers, need to admire the crazy world, and we to be admired by the earth-walking angels. God made us this way.]

Matured George

cindyred60 said...

thanks, M.G.
Perfect comments and the quotes
from your friends are so cool.
Harry, you are an awesome prayer!
Hope you are lovin G.M. :)

Fat Man said...

...well, yeah!