wrote this for middle school youth group I'm teaching at tonight:)
Be the Bunny... Anyone know what my bunny's name is???
You got it,....BUNNY! and she is such a bunny...
my bunny loves to sit cradled in my lap and let me stroke her whiskers.It took her awhile to trust me enough to do this.Her bunny head is tuned to the prey side of the animal mind set, which means being held is not good.Her natural reaction should be KICK, SCRATCH, Run!
But her trust in me and the pleasure of being petted overcomes.We have a choice like my bunny when situations arise. We can choose to trust in the Lord's care or we can kick, scratch, and run out of the situation.
While I was working on this message, I was texting Jaime,I was getting kind of stuck with what to say and I asked him if I should really teach tonight and he texted me...'
Be Strong and Courageous'
It's was so perfect cause there I was thinking, 'oh I'm such a girl I can't do anything,this is gonna be bad..'
When I'm trying to teach you guys that you should, trust!
Be like my bunny not like a normal bunny.My bunny trusts me,,,
she knows I want what's best for her!
She follows me around like a puppy dog, she'd rather spend time with me than eat!
She knows she's safe 'cause I'm there.
Then Jaime texts me those perfect words..
well I looked them up at Crosswalk.com...which is such a great site cause you can enter words and it will show everywhere in the bible that those words are..
Jos 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
Bunny knows if I'm there she is safe...we've got to be like her! God is there and we are safe...He can totally be trusted
But there is a time when she doesn't feel quite safe around me
Can you guess when???
When she's bad,
when she's up on the couch she knows perfectly well she shouldn't be there and she'll look at me and wait.
She never seems to jump down on her own until I say something like"BUNNY!" or clap my hands at her, she'll shake her little rabbit ears and skip away quick...
Sometimes we're my bunny. We know that we are messing up and instead of trusting God or being strong and courageous,
we run away from Him maybe even shaking our bunny ears so we can't hear Him calling...
Solomon's Dad, David, tells him to be strong and courageous twice before he died,
1Ch 22:13 - Then you will have success if you are careful to observe the decrees and laws that the Lord gave Moses for Israel. Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged.
Notice that David tells S. 'be good, follow all the laws then you will be okay.' well this wouldn't be very comforting to me..I'm like bunny I mess up but look what else David tells him
1Ch 28:20 - He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the Lord is finished. Be strong and courageous.
Okay so then he might be thinking, 'yikes what will happen when it's finished..will God still be with me even though I can't be good all the time??'
Well, let me tell you when the work was finally finished..
on the cross.
Joh 19:30 - When he had received the drink, Jesus said, "It is finished." With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.
So we don't have to be afraid of God anymore because Jesus died for us, He finished the perfect work of the temple of God!
Because of what He did we don't have to run and hide from God. We don't have to be separated from God. He loves us so much he took care of those times when we mess up.
We can be like my bunny trusting Him all the time.
Be the Bunny... Anyone know what my bunny's name is???
You got it,....BUNNY! and she is such a bunny...
my bunny loves to sit cradled in my lap and let me stroke her whiskers.It took her awhile to trust me enough to do this.Her bunny head is tuned to the prey side of the animal mind set, which means being held is not good.Her natural reaction should be KICK, SCRATCH, Run!
But her trust in me and the pleasure of being petted overcomes.We have a choice like my bunny when situations arise. We can choose to trust in the Lord's care or we can kick, scratch, and run out of the situation.
While I was working on this message, I was texting Jaime,I was getting kind of stuck with what to say and I asked him if I should really teach tonight and he texted me...'
Be Strong and Courageous'
It's was so perfect cause there I was thinking, 'oh I'm such a girl I can't do anything,this is gonna be bad..'
When I'm trying to teach you guys that you should, trust!
Be like my bunny not like a normal bunny.My bunny trusts me,,,
she knows I want what's best for her!
She follows me around like a puppy dog, she'd rather spend time with me than eat!
She knows she's safe 'cause I'm there.
Then Jaime texts me those perfect words..
well I looked them up at Crosswalk.com...which is such a great site cause you can enter words and it will show everywhere in the bible that those words are..
Jos 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
Bunny knows if I'm there she is safe...we've got to be like her! God is there and we are safe...He can totally be trusted
But there is a time when she doesn't feel quite safe around me
Can you guess when???
When she's bad,
when she's up on the couch she knows perfectly well she shouldn't be there and she'll look at me and wait.
She never seems to jump down on her own until I say something like"BUNNY!" or clap my hands at her, she'll shake her little rabbit ears and skip away quick...
Sometimes we're my bunny. We know that we are messing up and instead of trusting God or being strong and courageous,
we run away from Him maybe even shaking our bunny ears so we can't hear Him calling...
Solomon's Dad, David, tells him to be strong and courageous twice before he died,
1Ch 22:13 - Then you will have success if you are careful to observe the decrees and laws that the Lord gave Moses for Israel. Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged.
Notice that David tells S. 'be good, follow all the laws then you will be okay.' well this wouldn't be very comforting to me..I'm like bunny I mess up but look what else David tells him
1Ch 28:20 - He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the Lord is finished. Be strong and courageous.
Okay so then he might be thinking, 'yikes what will happen when it's finished..will God still be with me even though I can't be good all the time??'
Well, let me tell you when the work was finally finished..
on the cross.
Joh 19:30 - When he had received the drink, Jesus said, "It is finished." With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.
So we don't have to be afraid of God anymore because Jesus died for us, He finished the perfect work of the temple of God!
Because of what He did we don't have to run and hide from God. We don't have to be separated from God. He loves us so much he took care of those times when we mess up.
We can be like my bunny trusting Him all the time.
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