Let God's true people,
the true Lovers rejoice in praise
and sing for joy on their beds,
all the night long!
I love this Psalm! It sings of some of my favorite things, like praising with new songs.
If you've never tried it, try it. Find that song hiding in your heart. Mine are usually way over the top but that's how I roll.
Then there's dancing in this psalm, actually there's dancing in loads of the psalms. Did you know that movement makes a difference in performing art? Studies done, books written on how when musicians, or singers, or actors move, it enhances their performance. It's internal. That external movement influences the emotions and makes it real. Then, we are not just playing notes on a page, or words in script, or words from a hymnal, we are feeling it, baby.
So dance or at least clap or tap your foot a little :)...get into it, even if you are not feeling it,
you will,
you'll get connected to that Grace!
Then there's playing the harp or the drum or whatever. If you don't play, learn! But if that's out, that's okay because one translation, The Message says, lift up your sword in a wild sword dance...
that sounds like a good useful thing to do with a sword to me. (I know my pic's too violent but it is wild!)
So if we're using our brains to write and learn, using our bodies to dance and praise and maybe even doing some wild sword dances...
then heck, yeah, joyful sleep is bound to be the result!
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