*stars * moon * sun * rain * wild flowers *birds *clouds * blue
We can't pay for these, we can't do anything for them but enjoy them. We can choose not to accept them, sort of, by locking ourselves away in busyness, in the tyranny of the urgent, in video screens, in our own inadequacy, in looking at our own muddy feet...
But let's not do that. Here's these gifts constantly given infinite and Divine.
All these priceless gifts are a picture of that most precious free gift.
You cannot pay for or deserve the stars or the wind or the scent of a wild flower.
Just so is this gift from Messiah, our Anointed King, our Lord, God, our Spirit Comforter.
Jesus said to the thief on the cross next to His, "Today, you will be with me in Paradise."
Nothing that thief could do to deserve it only ...accept.
Today accept His gifts, freely given...and crackling with Life!
Inspired by Micah's Ipod being qued up to 'Rush'....
Invisible airwaves crackle with life
Bright antennae bristle with the energy
Emotional feedback on timeless wavelength
Bearing a gift beyond price, * free !!!
I changed the last line to Sailsmen and took out the 'almost'.
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