Thursday, January 15, 2009

Feeling the Healing

Oh yeah, I'm feeling the healing. Trying to trust and bide my time and just take a baby step out onto the water....can't just dive in. It'll come.

All things work together for good for those who Love the Lord and are called according to His Purposes. Romans 8:28

I had that verse on a cast on my leg. He heals. I've still got the scar but He heals. I skied again but I was alot more cautious and head-spinning runs down a slope beyond my ability to remain on my path.

Jamie our youth minister, my pastor for years is leaving at the end of this month. Oh I just want to fix it and make it so he can stay. But instead I'm just gonna trust and watch what cool thing God will show me. He would show me a thing:)

The youth room got cleaned out and my little lamb is gone. You know the one who watched over my glasses in an earlier post. You know what else is gone? All the blueness of my thumb got ripped off yesterday. I knew it would come with my heart healing.

1 comment:

cindyred60 said...

But I still got my rockin chair lamby!