Monday, January 26, 2009

"Love on 'em"

Gosh, I guess he was only 26 when I started bugging him...
"I want to teach!" "If you ever need me to teach.."
"Can I start a girl's small group?"
What I didn't know was, I needed teaching. Lots of teaching... by example and word from this young, red-bearded man.
He was always supportive and quickly gave me leave to try and start a Bible study with some seventh grade girls.
So I go up to them after church and start a conversation...
"Heard you had a party last night and that you girls were 'freaking' let's get together and study the Bible and I'll tell you why that is a really stupid thing for girls to do."
Well, I wasn't quite that lousy but really close!

But soon I was in a small group with Jamie teaching us 'wanna be' leaders.
I learned that relationships are way more important than preaching;
and spending time with kids is way more important than teaching:
and that our main goal, the real reason we do this at all is to
Love on 'em.
and how do we do that ???
We use a NET, right!
N-know and use their NAME!
E- make Eye contact
T- appropriate Touch (high five, baby or big hug, girl-friend)
We learned to share our lives with these kids and to love; to really love
and that has made all the difference in my life.
I'm scared for Jamie to go because I have learned and grown so much from just being around him. Now my home and heart are continually full of teens!
My ministry, my home, and my life have been changed forever my this young man and I am so thankful for his wonderful, laid-back loving style that has meant all the difference for my boys and me.
Chuck Smith has this saying, "Smooth and of the Spirit" I think that perfectly describes Jamie Nelson. He's been this calm sea where youth have learned and been encouraged to develop and use their gifts and talents to grow in wisdom, faith, and most especially love....
and not just them he's done the same for me.
I really get that verse in Mark 10, where Jesus promises us a whole bunch of brothers, sisters, mothers, and children. Jamie has show me the truth of that kind of abundance and simple faith in Jesus that makes life a beautiful celebration.
Thank you, Jamie Nelson.
We love you, Jamie and we thank God upon every remembrance of you!

Mark 10:29 "I tell you the truth," Jesus replied, "no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel 30 will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age (homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields--and with them, persecutions) and in the age to come, eternal life. 31 But many who are first will be last, and the last first."

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