Tuesday, December 16, 2008

beach towel cape

Well, I guess to some I come across 'like a kid with a beach towel for a cape who thinks she's
Superman.' But that's okay... I know I can fly and I want these kids to find out that they can too.
So if that means saying "yes" to the Spirit's musings and being misunderstood by some for a time, as long as the lightening flashes and a few see it and grow in Love and learn to let Him speak to their lives, that's cool.
When you get told by one person, 'You make no sense,' it sucks. But then you just scarcely turn around and another tells you how glad her son is that he bothered to wake up early on a Sunday, that I really inspired him...then well I'll take all the 'you make no sense' comments available.

Like my friend, Breeze reminded me; my whole point was not to spell it out. I want them to find out for themselves, to seek, to search, to ask, and to listen.
So let's get out those towels and fly around the room again.

1 comment:

cindyred60 said...

This is so cool. The guy who said, I 'made no sense,' tried to tease me by quoting from my talk. He used the oily sheep idea perfectly in describing someone filled with the Holy Spirit. I hugged him and said, "Exactly! That's just what I was talking about, I'm so glad it made sense to you!" Seeing his mistake he made some comment about people thinking I'm crazy. But heck, I'm in good company :)...