Saturday, May 16, 2009


I've heard that word a lot this week, like a reoccurring theme in my ears...'deserve.'

My heart has been pondering it, reaching out to touch the hem of it's garment.

Then today with my orange-chocolate frozen yogurt and my friend's heart reflecting mine, I saw it clearly.

Sitting in her car in the parking lot at Stretch's, I pictured a beautiful painting hanging on the cinder block wall. It was a masterpiece lovingly rendered by an expert artist. Then I imagined someone taking it down and tossing it into the dumpster. No, this painting didn't 'deserve' such treatment. It is a masterpiece, unique and priceless. No, not through any virtue of it's own but through the carefully placed strokes of the Master Artist.

I am that painting. I don't deserve to be shoved into the dustbin. I am His Workmanship, His poem and His work deserves beautiful treatment...

and you know what? You are too.


Fat Man said...

I write, I erase, I write, I erase...

Allen.Randall said...


I enjoyed your blog and, in fact, you so inspired me that I went right out and began my very own blog! ( Thanks for your inspiration and for volunteering earlier today at the soup kitchen.
God bless you!

Allen Randall
Ladle Fellowship of FPC